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Journal of Physical Education and Sport ; 23(4):975-982, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20241649


Monitoring the SaO2 levels and other respiratory function parameters after recovering from COVID-19 can have essential meaning in the assessment of the efficacy of using physiotherapy methods, including classical massage. Purpose of the research was to assess the influence of an individual classical back massage session as well as the effects of an entire 8-session back massage therapy on SaO2, HR and spirometry parameters in a patient after recovering from COVID-19, with constant monitoring of massage areas' temperature changes. Data and methods. The study comprised a case study of a patient who recovered from COVID-19. The patient was subjected to a classical back and spine massage therapy utilising all the basic techniques. The design was based on the results of the following tests: lung x-ray, SaO2, HR, spirometry parameters, and the 6-minute walking distance test. The degree of the influence of the classical massage techniques was monitored using the infrared thermography. Results. Continuous oxygen saturation monitoring during the massage sessions enabled to observe a decrease in the level of this parameter during utilisation of rubbing and tapotement on muscles of both the right and the left side of the back. During the usage of the intense massage techniques SaO2 dropped maximally to 92-93%. Such decrease was noted after massaging the right as well as the left side of the back, during every massage session. I addition it was found that in the case of the patient who recovered from COVID-19 changing the body position from sitting down to lying down after the massage session the level of tissues saturation decreased. The observed changes in the VA/Q ratio that occurred in response to the 8-session massage therapy lasting for 3 weeks might indicate that better conditions for ventilation and oxygen perfusion at the alveolar surface were reached. This translated in the patient who recovered from COVID-19 into 2% increase in oxygen saturation level after completing the massage therapy. Conclusion. Utilising the intense rubbing and tapotement techniques has to be carefully considered due to their significant influence on decrease in the level of saturation.

Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte ; 18(56), 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20238621


Due to the covid-19 pandemic, governments were forced to adopt lockdown policies to effectively control the pandemic. These restrictions increased anxiety, depression, and lifestyle changes. This systematic review aims to analyze changes in dietary patterns in the worldwide population during the COVID-19 lockdown. 11 studies were selected from the 1412 founds after searching in three databases. Searching keywords were: "Change dietary”, "COVID-19 dietary” "Confinement dietary”. Inclusion criteria were: studies that collected people's dietary patterns during the COVID-19 lockdown and recorded the consumption of food groups and the variations in lifestyle habits. This research found that people increased their consumption of food. People increased their sedentary hours, slept more but exercised less, leading to gain weight during the lockdown, as well as a poorer sleeping quality and higher anxiety levels.Alternate : Debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, los gobiernos se vieron obligados a tomar medidas de confinamiento para controlar eficazmente el contagio. Sin embargo, después de un tiempo de control al poblado, estas restricciones hicieron la gente tener más ansiedad y depresión, incluso cambiar el estilo de vida.

Journal of Physical Education and Sport ; 23(4):891-898, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20237628


In 2019-2020 and 2020-2021, the COVID-19 pandemic led to unexpected behavioral restrictions, allowing only the individual training of the athletes. The purpose of the present study was to record the effects of a home-based training program on physical performance at a semi-professional level, after the Covid-19 confinement, in terms of external load. Twenty soccer players from one semi-professional team participated in this study. The data was collected by GPS devices, with an accelerometer and gyroscope, and a sampling rate 10Hz. The external load is evaluated by the total distance, the high-intensity runs, the sprint distance as well as the number of accelerations and decelerations. Three matches before and twelve games after the lockdown were analyzed and compared. During the confinement period, the players performed 5-6 training sessions per week. This period lasted over 4 four months. The training sessions were monitored by a free smartphone application. Similarly, the players communicated with the technical staff with a free internet application. The results showed significant increases (p < 0.05) in the total distance covered during the matches after the intervention. No significant increase in high-intensity runs and the number of accelerations were found (p > 0.05). The present data suggest that an intervention monitored by a free application could improve athletic performance at the semi-professional level, even after long-term abstinence from team training such as quarantine or off-season periods. These data might provide affordable solutions to the semi-professional soccer teams, which could be used during the off-season period leading to reduce detraining effects and higher performance in the forthcoming championship.

Journal of Physical Education and Sport ; 23(4):937-943, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-20233680


Introduction. Persistent negative mental-emotional experiences and the body's responses to stress may have a negative impact on physical condition and mental-emotional status of students and provoke behavioral disorders. Health-enhancing recreational physical activity helps to cope with the negative influence of stress factors. The study was focused on the prediction of stress-related conditions in students and their prevention through healthenhancing recreational physical activity (HRPA). The aim of the study was to develop predictive models for assessing stress-related conditions among students and to identify the opportunities for their prevention through engagement in health-enhancing recreational physical activity based on the assessment of the relationship between physical activity and emotional status. Material & methods. The study involved 573 higher education students from various regions of Ukraine. The following methods were applied: surveying, statistical analysis using non-linear estimation methods and statistical classification methods based on data mining and machine learning methods, such as neural networks. Results. Statistically significant (p<0.05) logistic binary models were developed and scientifically substantiated, which can be used to predict stress-related conditions among higher education students based on data about their HRPA and behavioral characteristics in a long-term stressful situation. According to the survey data, the military conflict on the territory of Ukraine has provoked the emergence of emotional distress in 80.8% of respondents. It was found that regular engagement in HRPA and an active lifestyle allows predicting the maintenance of emotional well-being among students with a probability of 78.0%. Conclusions. The behavioral disorders in higher education students combined with lack of HRPA during the period of armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine significantly increase their risk of anxiety, aggressiveness, depressive states, and mood swings as well as lead to deterioration in physical condition and mental-emotional status. An active lifestyle, regular engagement in health-enhancing recreational physical activity, and cessation of bad habits increase students' adaptability to the impact of stress factors.

Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte ; 23(2):1-11, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2319307


A medida adotada de isolamento físico durante pandemia afetou a retina diaria de todo o mundo, inclusive no meio esportivo. Sendo assim, o estado buscou comparar as estrategias de coping utilizadas por atletas de bocha paralímpica no período da pandemia. A amostra foi composta por 43 atletas (30 homens e 13 mulheres) com 29.95DI 1,76 anos. Para identificar e mensurar as estrategias de coping, foi recorrido o questionário ACSI-28 (athletic coping skills inventory) em sua vers&acaron;o adaptada para o portugués incrementado em um formulario eletrônico. Na análise dos dados, a normalidade foi verificada pelo teste de shapiro-wilk. Após isto, todas análises inferenciais de comparaçao foram mensuradas por via de testes estatísticos n&acaron;o paramétricos com testes post-hoc DSCF pareados. Assim, os resultados apontaram que houve diferenças significativas entre comparaçöes no tempo de experiencia, "+10 anos", "5 a 10 anos" e " 1 a 3 anos" sobre as subescalas "metas e prcparacäo mental" (6.00±1.75 vs 5±1.50 vs 5±1.50;p<0,05;TE: 0,26) e "treinabilidade" (9.00±3.25 vs 6.00±0.500 vs 8.00±3.00;p<0,05;TE: 0,19). Atletas mais e menos experientes na modalidade da bocha demonstraram superioridade no enfrentamento ao período da pandemia, pois, conseguiram obter melhores índices nas dimensöes "metas e prcparacäo mental" e "treinabilidade", das estrategias de coping quando comparados aos seus pares com menor tempo de experiencia.Alternate :La medida de aislamiento físico adoptada durante una pandemia afectó la rutina diaria de todo el mundo, incluso en el ámbito deportivo. Por lo tanto, el estadio buscó comparar las estrategias de afrontamiento utilizadas por los atletas de bocha paralímpico durante el período de pandemia. La muestra estuvo conformada por 43 deportistas (30 hombres y 13 mujeres) con edad 29.95DI 1,76 años. Para identificar y medir las estrategias de afrontamiento, se utilizó el cuestionario ACSI-28 (inventario de habilidades de afrontamiento atlético) en su versión adaptada al portugués y agregado a un formulario electrónico. En el análisis de datos, la normalidad fue verificada por la prueba de Shapiro-Wilk. Después de eso, todos los análisis de comparación inferencial se midieron mediante pruebas estadísticas no paramétricas con pruebas DSCF post-hoc emparejadas. Así, los resultados mostraron que hubo diferencias significativas entre las comparaciones en términos de experiencia, "+10 años", "5 a 10 años" y "1 a 3 años" en las subescalas "metas y preparación mental" (6.00±1.75 vs 5±1.50 vs 5±1.50;p<0,05;TE: 0,26) y "entrenabilidad" (9.00±3.25 vs 6.00±0.500 vs 8.00±3.00;p<0,05;TE: 0,19). Los atletas más e menos experimentados en la modalidad de bocha mostraron superioridad para enfrentar el período de la pandemia, ya que pudieron obtener mejores índices en las dimensiones "metas y preparación mental y entrenabilidad" de las estrategias de afrontamiento en comparación con sus pares con menos experiencia.Alternate :The measure of physical isolation adopted during a pandemic affected the daily routine of the whole world, including in the sports environment. Therefore, the study sought to compare the coping strategies used by Paralympic boccia athletes during the pandemic period. The sample consisted of 43 athletes (30 men and 13 women) aged 29.95 □ 11,76 years. To identify and measure coping strategies, the ACSI-28 (athletic coping skills inventory) questionnaire was used in its version adapted to Portuguese and added to an electronic form. In data analysis, normality was verified by the Shapiro-Wilk test. After that, all inferential comparison analyzes were measured via nonparametric statistical tests with paired post-hoc DSCF tests. Thus, the results showed that there were significant differences between comparisons in terms of experience, "+10 years", "5 to 10 years", and "1 to 3 years" on the subscales "goals and mental preparation" (6.00±1.75 vs 5±1.50 vs 5±1.50;p<0.05;ES: 0.26) and "trainability" (9.00±3.25 vs 6.00±0.50 vs 8.00±3.00;p<0.05;ES: 0.19). More and less experienced athletes in the boccia modality showed superiority in facing the pandemic period, as they obtained better indices in the "goals and mental preparation and trainability" dimensions of coping strategies compared to their peers with less experience.

Retos ; 48:927-936, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2293863


The pandemic brought changes in various human spaces and activities, including sport. By involving voluminous financial sums, especially when we think about the sport spectacles of the main leagues on the planet, sport seems to us to have been the most "trivial” of the activities seeking to resist the changes in biological and economic risk that characterized the pandemic, with elite sports, although many disagreed, practically surviving as an essential activity. However, to surpass such obstacles, changes and adaptations proved necessary. In this essay, we use the proposal Analytical Model of the 5 E's to understand, from a comprehensive perspective of the proposed dimensions, what were the main changes that affected sport in a historical moment in which health and disease have taken center stage in our lives. We noticed changes in sports consumption, supply and demand relationships, behavioral and emotional changes in athletes and spectators, as well as health issues. Sport, as a "non-essential” activity, adapted itself to the new "normal,” driven by mercantile and spectacularization mechanisms. Alternate :La pandemia ha traído cambios en diversos espacios y actividades humanas, incluido el deporte. Al involucrar voluminosas sumas económicas, especialmente cuando pensamos en los espectáculos deportivos de las principales ligas del planeta, el deporte nos parece haber sido la más "banal” de las actividades que buscaban resistir los cambios de riesgo biológico y económico que caracterizaron la pandemia, con el deporte de alto rendimiento, aunque muchos no estaban de acuerdo, sobreviviendo prácticamente como actividad imprescindible. Sin embargo, para sobrevivir a tales obstáculos, los cambios y las adaptaciones resultaron necesarios. En este ensayo, utilizamos la propuesta del Modelo Analítico de las 5 E's para comprender, desde una perspectiva integral de las dimensiones propuestas, cuáles fueron los principales cambios que afectaron al deporte en un momento histórico en el que la salud y la enfermedad han ocupado un lugar central en nuestras vidas. Se notaron cambios en el consumo deportivo, relaciones de oferta y demanda, en los comportamientos y emociones de los atletas y espectadores, así como el cuidado de la salud corporal. El deporte, como "actividad no esencial”, se adaptó rápidamente a la nueva "normalidad”, impulsado por mecanismos de mercantilización y espectáculo.Alternate :A pandemia trouxe mudanças em diversos espaços e atividades humanas, entre elas o desporto. Ao envolver volumosas somas financeiras, principalmente quando pensamos os espetáculos esportivos das principais ligas do planeta, o desporto nos parece ter sido a mais "trivial” das atividades que buscou resistir às mudanças de risco biológico e econômico que caracterizaram a pandemia. O desporto, principalmente o de alto rendimento, ainda que muitos discordassem, praticamente sobreviveu como atividade essencial. No entanto, para ultrapassar tais obstáculos, mudanças e adequações se mostraram necessárias. Nesse ensaio, utilizamos a proposta do Modelo Analítico dos 5 E's para compreender, a partir de uma perspectiva abrangente das dimensões propostas, quais foram as principais mudanças que afetaram o desporto em um momento histórico em que saúde e doença tomaram centralidade em nossas vidas. Notou-se alterações referentes ao consumo do esporte, nas relações de oferta e de demanda, nos comportamentos e nas emoções dos atletas e dos espectadores, bem como nos cuidados com saúde corporal. O esporte, como "atividade não essencial”, rapidamente adaptou-se ao novo "normal”, impulsionado pelos mecanismos de mercantilização e espetacularização. Palavras-Chave: Desporto;Pandemia;COVID-19;Sociologia do desporto;Modelo de Análise

Retos ; 48:6-15, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2292470


The objective of the present research was to evaluate the level of motor coordination in 9-year-old infants belonging to sports training schools in Bogotá and Chía-Cundinamarca in a post-confinement context by means of the 3JS test in relation to gender, sociodemographic context, sport, confinement training and days of training. The study included 307 infants, of which: 187 were male and 120 were female. Likewise, they were grouped by sport: soccer n:113, skating n:91, basketball n:52 and tennis n:51 and, finally, by sociodemographic context 102 were evaluated in Chia-Cundinamarca and 205 in Bogotá. The study has a quantitative approach, descriptive-transversal type and with a non-probabilistic sampling. The statistical treatment was carried out using the statistical software ® version 4.1.0. The results indicate that the significant differences were established in response to gender p=0.00 better in male infants, sociodemographic context p=0.04 better in Bogotá, days of training p=0.006 better in equal or greater than four days of weekly training, training in confinement during Covid-19 p=0.02 better in those who trained and sport p=0.00 evidencing significant differences between them, having as reference soccer as the highest and tennis the lowest level correspondingly. These findings show that normal levels of motor coordination were found for all the infants evaluated according to the intervals proposed by the 3JS test, likewise, the differences were established in turn, between locomotor coordination and object control coordination according to the variables object of this study.Alternate :El objetivo de la presente investigación fue evaluar el nivel de coordinación motriz en infantes de 9 años pertenecientes a escuelas de formación deportivas en Bogotá y Chía-Cundinamarca en un contexto de post confinamiento por medio del test 3JS con relación al género, contexto sociodemográfico, deporte, entrenamiento en confinamiento y días de entrenamiento. El estudio incluyó 307 infantes, de los cuales: 187 correspondieron al género masculino y 120 al femenino. Asimismo, fueron agrupados por deporte: fútbol n:113, patinaje n:91, baloncesto n:52 y tenis n:51 y, finalmente, por contexto sociodemográfico 102 fueron evaluados en Chía-Cundinamarca y 205 en Bogotá. El estudio es de enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo-transversal y con un muestreo no probabilístico. El tratamiento estadístico fue realizado mediante el software estadístico ® versión 4.1.0. Los resultados indican que, las diferencias significativas se establecieron en respuesta al género p=0.00 mejor en infantes masculinos, contexto sociodemográfico p=0.04 mejor en Bogotá, días de entrenamiento p=0.006 mejor en igual o mayor a cuatro días de entrenamiento semanal, entrenamiento en confinamiento durante la Covid-19 p=0.02 mejor en los que entrenaron y deporte p=0.00 evidenciando diferencias significativas entre ellas, teniendo como referencia a fútbol como la de mayor y patinaje la de menor nivel correspondientemente. Estos hallazgos evidencian que se encontraron niveles normales de coordinación motriz para todos los infantes evaluados según los intervalos propuestos por el test 3JS, asimismo, las diferencias se establecieron a su vez, entre la coordinación locomotriz y coordinación control de objetos según las variables objeto de este estudio.

Retos ; 48:901-910, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2302161


The confinement caused in Colombia by the health emergency of COVID-19, forced the replacement of face-to-face pedagogical practices by remote education mediated by communication and information technologies (ICT). Physical education teachers had the challenge of adapting the contents of a generally practical subject to the new reality in which digital media are protagonists. Adaptations that are complicated because students widely in public institutions in urban and rural contexts have difficulties in connecting to the Internet or availability of electronic equipment. The objective was to understand the conceptions of the pedagogical practice of seven physical education teachers in training, belonging to the Bachelor's degree program in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports of the University of Cauca - Colombia under the remote modality with high school students. Reflections on the ICT mediated teaching-learning process in two public educational institutions with the intrinsic case study methodology and research techniques such as observation and educational workshops are presented. It was found that the physical education class mediated by ICT requires configuring the contents according to the needs of the health emergency context, that there are strengths in the digital tools for the teaching-learning process, as well as weaknesses of the teachers in their management, it is evident that there are students with accessibility and limitation for the connection, which affects the monitoring of progress both in synchronous and asynchronous phases. Key words. Physical education, information technology, ICT, pandemic, teaching, learning. Alternate :El confinamiento provocado en Colombia por la emergencia sanitaria de la COVID-19, obligó a reemplazar las prácticas pedagógicas presenciales por la educación virtual mediada por las tecnologías de la comunicación y de la información (TIC). Los profesores de Educación Física tuvieron el reto de adecuar los contenidos de una asignatura generalmente práctica, a la nueva realidad en la que los medios digitales son protagonistas. Adaptaciones que resultan complicadas porque los educandos ampliamente en las instituciones públicas en el contexto urbano y rural presentan dificultades de conexión a internet o disponibilidad de equipos electrónicos. El objetivo fue comprender las concepciones de la práctica pedagógica de siete profesores de educación física en formación, pertenecientes al programa de Licenciatura en Educación Física, Recreación y Deportes de la Universidad del Cauca – Colombia, bajo la modalidad remota con estudiantes de básica secundaria. Se presentan las reflexiones sobre el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje mediado por las TIC en dos instituciones educativas públicas con la metodología de estudio de caso intrínseco y técnicas de investigación como la observación y los talleres educativos. Se encontró que la clase de educación física mediada por las TIC requiere configurar los contenidos acordes a las necesidades del contexto de emergencia sanitaria, que existen fortalezas en las herramientas digitales para el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, así como debilidades de los profesores en su manejo, es evidente que hay estudiantes con accesibilidad y limitación para la conexión lo que afecta el seguimiento del progreso tanto en fase síncrono como asíncrono.Alternate :O confinamento causado na Colômbia pela emergência sanitária do COVID-19, obrigou a substituir práticas pedagógicas presenciais por educação virtual mediada por tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC). Os professores de Educação Física tiveram o desafio de adequar os conteúdos de uma disciplina geralmente prática à nova realidade em que as mídias digitais são protagonistas. Adaptações que são complicadas porque os alunos amplamente em instituições públicas no contexto urbano e rural têm dificuldades com conexão de internet ou disponibilidade de equipamentos eletrônicos. O objetivo foi compreender as concepções da prática pedagógica de sete professores de educação física em formação, pertencentes ao programa de Bacharelado em Educação Física, Recreação e Esportes da Universidade de Cauca - Colômbia, na modalidade remota com alunos do ensino médio. São apresentadas reflexões sobre o processo de ensino-aprendizagem mediado pelas TIC em duas instituições públicas de ensino com a metodologia intrínseca de estudo de caso e técnicas de pesquisa como observação e oficinas pedagógicas. Constatou-se que a aula de educação física mediada pelas TIC exige a configuração dos conteúdos de acordo com as necessidades do contexto de emergência em saúde, que há pontos fortes nas ferramentas digitais para o processo ensino-aprendizagem, bem como fragilidades dos professores em sua gestão , fica evidente que existem alunos com limitações de acessibilidade e conexão, o que prejudica o acompanhamento do andamento tanto na fase síncrona quanto na assíncrona. Palavras chave: Educação física, tecnologias de informação, TIC, pandemia, ensino, aprendizagem.

Retos ; 48:494-504, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2301487


The pandemic containment strategy implemented in the country in its first months considered keeping the population in preventive quarantine, either total (CT) or partial (CP). The study aimed to determine the differences and similarities between the lifestyles (EV) of adults in CT and CP, during the COVID-19 pandemic. A comparative cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out. Four hundred adults from country´s central zone, aged between 20 to 59 years were selected with a non-probabilistic sampling for convenience using different virtual communication networks. The EV were assessed by the FANTASTIC Questionnaire. Student's t-test and Mann-Whitney U test were used to compare the CT and CP groups;and Cohen's d to measure effect size. The main results were that both groups reported moderate and high levels of EV, highlighting the total absence of Dangerous EV. In comparative terms, the CP group presented better EV scores in general and at a specific level in the domains of Associativity and physical activity, Nutrition, Tobacco, Alcohol and other drugs, Sleep and stress, Insight and Other behaviors;all with a small effect size. It is concluded that adults in PC have healthier EV than those in CT. It is deduced that the conditions proposed by CT negatively affect healthy EV in adults. Key words: Lifestyle, Total quarantine, Partial quarantine. Alternate :. La estrategia de contención de la pandemia implementada en el país en sus primeros meses consideró mantener a la población en cuarentena preventiva, ya sea total (CT) o parcial (CP). El estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar las diferencias y semejanzas entre los estilos de vida (EV) de adultos en CT y CP, durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo transversal comparativo. Participaron 400 adultos de 20 a 59 años de edad, de la zona central del país, seleccionados con un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia utilizando diferentes redes de comunicación virtual. Los EV se evaluaron con el Cuestionario FANTASTICO. Se utilizó la prueba t student y U Mann-Whitney para comparar los grupos CT y CP;y la d de Cohen para medir el tamaño del efecto. Los principales resultados fueron que ambos grupos reportaron niveles moderados y altos de EV, destacando la ausencia total de EV Peligroso. En términos comparativos, el grupo CP presentó mejores puntajes de EV de manera general y a nivel específico en los dominios de Asociatividad y actividad física, Nutrición, Tabaco, Alcohol y otras drogas, Sueño y estrés, Introspección y Otras conductas;todos con tamaños del efecto pequeños. Se concluye que los adultos en CP presentan EV más saludables que quienes se encuentran en CT. Se deduce que las condiciones propuestas por la CT afectan negativamente los EV saludables en personas adultas.Alternate :A estratégia de contenção da pandemia implementada no país nos seus primeiros meses previa a manutenção da população em quarentena preventiva, total (TC) ou parcial (CP). O objetivo do estudo foi determinar as diferenças e semelhanças entre os estilos de vida (LE) de adultos em CT e CP, durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Foi realizado um estudo descritivo transversal comparativo. Participaram 400 adultos dos 20 aos 59 anos, da zona centro do país, selecionados com uma amostragem não probabilística por conveniência utilizando diferentes redes virtuais de comunicação. As VEs foram avaliadas com o Questionário FANTASTICO. O teste t de Student e o teste U de Mann-Whitney foram usados ​​para comparar os grupos CT e CP;e d de Cohen para medir o tamanho do efeito. Os principais resultados foram que ambos os grupos relataram níveis moderados e altos de EV, destacando a ausência total de Dangerous EV. Em termos comparativos, o grupo PC apresentou melhores pontuações de VE na generalidade e a nível específico nos domínios Associatividade e atividade física, Nutrição, Tabaco, Álcool e outras drogas, Sono e stress, Introspeção e Outros comportamentos;todos com tamanhos de efeito pequenos. Con lui-se que adultos em PC apresentam EV mais saudáveis ​​do que aqueles em CT. Deduz-se que as condições propostas pelo CT afetam negativamente o EV saudável em adultos. Palavras-chave: Estilo de vida, Quarentena total, Quarentena parcial.

Retos ; 48:235-243, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2300446


Changes in educational paradigms have affected the understanding of how individuals learn. The emergence of Covid-19 has created unprecedented disruption in the education systems. This study attempts to analyse students' perceptions of their learning profile before and after Covid-19, using two different cohorts of students from five schools. Participated in October 2019 (first application) 369 students, and in November 2021 (second application) 294 students. These are students of two educational cycles: grades 7-9 and 10-12. The Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory questionnaire has seven dimensions: ‘moving and learning', ‘critical curiosity', ‘making sense', ‘creativity', ‘learning relationships', ‘strategic awareness', ‘resilience';and it was administered to understand how students self-assess their learning profile. Descriptive and inferential statistics were calculated to analyse the data and detect possible differences in the learning profiles. The results show that students in grades 7-9 seem to have been the most affected by Covid-19 (means were statistically significant in all dimensions except ‘resilience') when compared to students in grades 10-12 (statistically significant only in ‘critical curiosity', ‘learning relationships' and ‘meaning making' dimensions). In conclusion, the learning profiles have changed between the applications in both cycles. A higher percentage of students rated themselves worse in almost all dimensions in the second application. However, the increased autonomy during Covid-19 could explain the average increases in 'resilience' in grades 7-9 and 'creativity' in grades 10-12 from the first to the second application. Alternate :Los cambios en los paradigmas educativos han afectado la comprensión de cómo los individuos aprenden. La aparición del Covid-19 ha creado una disrupción sin precedentes en los sistemas educativos. Este estudio intenta analizar las percepciones del alumnado sobre su perfil de aprendizaje antes y después del Covid-19, usando dos cohortes diferentes de alumnos de cinco escuelas. Participaron en octubre de 2019 (primera aplicación) 369 alumnos, y en noviembre de 2021 (segunda aplicación) 294 alumnos. Son alumnos de dos ciclos educativos: años 7-9 y 10-12. El cuestionario Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory con siete dimensiones: mudanza y aprendizaje, curiosidad critica, darle sentido, creatividad, relaciones de aprendizaje, conciencia estratégica, resiliencia;fue administrado para entender cómo los estudiantes autoevalúan su perfil de aprendizaje. Estadística descriptiva e inferencial fueron calculadas para analizar los datos y detectar posibles diferencias en los perfiles de aprendizaje. Los resultados muestran que los alumnos de 7-9 parecen haber sido los más afectados por el Covid-19 (las medias eran estadísticamente significativas en todas las dimensiones excepto resiliencia) al ser comparados con los estudiantes de 10-12 (estadísticamente significativas solamente en las dimensiones: mudanza y aprendizaje, curiosidad critica, darle sentido). Concluyendo, los perfiles de aprendizajes han cambiado entre las aplicaciones en los dos ciclos. Un mayor porcentaje de estudiantes se puntuó peor en casi todas las dimensiones en el segundo momento. Sin embargo, la mayor autonomía durante el Covid-19 podría explicar los aumentos medios en ‘resiliencia' en los grados 7-9 y ‘creatividad' en los grados 10-12 de la primera para la segunda aplicación. Palabras-clave: año 7-9;año 10-12;poder de aprendizaje;disposiciones de aprendizaje;effective lifelong learning inventory;covid-19.Alternate :As mudanças nos paradigmas educacionais têm afetado a compreensão de como os indivíduos aprendem. O surgimento do Covid-19 criou uma perturbação sem precedentes nos sistemas educacionais. Este estudo tenta analisar as percepções dos alunos sobre seu perfil de aprendizagem antes e depois do Covid-19, usando dois grupos diferentes de alunos de cinco escolas. Em outubro de 2019 (prim ira aplicação) participaram 369 alunos, e em novembro de 2021 (segunda aplicação) 294 alunos. São alunos de dois ciclos de ensino: 7-9 anos e 10-12 anos. O questionário Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory com sete dimensões: mover e aprender, curiosidade crítica, fazer sentido, criatividade, relações de aprendizagem, consciência estratégica, resiliência;foi administrado para entender como os alunos autoavaliam seu perfil de aprendizagem. Estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais foram calculadas para analisar os dados e detectar possíveis diferenças nos perfis de aprendizagem. Os resultados mostram que os alunos de 7 a 9 anos parecem ter sido os mais afetados pela Covid-19 (as médias foram estatisticamente significativas em todas as dimensões, exceto resiliência) quando comparados aos alunos de 10 a 12 anos (estatisticamente significativos apenas nas dimensões). e aprendizagem, curiosidade crítica, fazer sentido). Concluindo, os perfis de aprendizagem mudaram entre as aplicações nos dois ciclos. Um percentual maior de alunos pontuou pior em quase todas as dimensões no segundo momento. No entanto, o aumento da autonomia durante o Covid-19 poderia explicar os aumentos médios em 'resiliência' nas séries 7-9 e 'criatividade' nas séries 10-12 da primeira para a segunda aplicação. Palavras-chave: ano 7-9;ano 10-12;poder de aprendizagem;provisões de aprendizagem;inventário eficaz de aprendizagem ao longo da vida;COVID-19.

Journal of Physical Education and Sport ; 23(3):648-657, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2300344


Physical education teacher education (PETE) programs have historically taught both athletic sports and pedagogical techniques;thus, preservice teachers can be equipped with skill learning. Preservice teachers must comprehend sports knowledge and demonstrate acceptable skill performance because they are expected to provide effective instruction and boost student learning. Accordingly, a preservice PE teacher should grasp and teach movement analysis and mechanics. Volleyball movement sequences are particularly applicable for determining whether a performer's movements are effective and providing feedback to the learners for improved performance. However, PE has increasingly been equipped with online and blended learning environments in recent years. A blended learning environment is a hybrid system combining classroom and online learning that provides the convenience of online courses without sacrificing the complete face-to-face advantages. Therefore, in this study, we aim to analyze the efficiency of preservice PE teachers using self- and peer- assessment techniques for basic volleyball skills in blended learning contexts. The participants were 37 college students (Mage= 19.82 ± 1.32) who enrolled in a blended format volleyball course. Pearson's correlation coefficients were determined to investigate the relationships between each self- and peer- assessment score across all participants. The results suggested no statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed in participants' volleyball skills analysis during the blended learning course. Our research was undertaken to investigate the self- and peer-assessment competencies of preservice PE teachers' four fundamental volleyball skills and indicated that they did not have any significant differences in terms of quality of evaluation. Our findings also suggested that blended instruction is an alternative teaching practice that educators have the potential to embrace. The implication of our research may suggest that preservice teachers will understand the appropriate level of sports performance by evaluating how much they and their peers have learned to develop instructional practices and build knowledge for future PE lessons. This understanding can serve as a foundation for future research on blended learning, which will be increasingly used in higher education.

Retos ; 48:1051-1059, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2299612


The Covid-19 pandemic forced the world population to incorporate prevention activities into their daily lives to preserve people's physical health. In Colombia, the national government, through resolutions and decrees, regulated quarantine and preventive isolation in order not to saturate health services and intensive care units, which were not prepared to respond to the disease. In this sense, this article analyzed the habits of physical activity, well-being, and quality of life in preventive isolation - Covid-19 in Bogotá, Colombia. A cross-sectional descriptive quantitative study was conducted on a sample of 1,775 people with an average age of 43.5±25.5 years, of which 50.9% (n=903) corresponded to women and 49.1% (n=872) to men. It was found that due to the confinement the consumption of coffee and alcoholic beverages increased, as well as a decrease in physical activity. In addition, manifestations of anxiety, depression and feelings of loneliness were identified, which directly affected people's well-being and quality of life. It is expected that this type of research will contribute to the understanding of the impact of the contingency measures taken by the different nations to curb Covid-19 infections on people's health. Key words: physical activity, habits, quality of life, quarantine, Covid-19. Alternate :La pandemia por Covid-19 obligó a la población mundial a incorporar a su cotidianidad actividades de prevención para preservar la salud física de las personas. En Colombia, el gobierno nacional a partir de resoluciones y decretos reglamentó la cuarentena y el aislamiento preventivo para no saturar los servicios de salud y las unidades de cuidados intensivos, los cuales no estaban preparados para responder a la enfermedad. En ese sentido, este artículo analizó los hábitos de actividad física, bienestar y calidad de vida en el aislamiento preventivo – Covid-19 en Bogotá, Colombia. Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo descriptivo de corte transversal a una muestra de 1.775 personas con un promedio de edad 43,5±25,5 años, de los cuales el 50,9% (n=903) corresponden a mujeres y el 49,1% (n=872) a hombres. Se encontró que a causa del confinamiento el consumo de café y bebidas alcohólicas aumentó, como también se disminuyó la realización de actividad física. Así mismo se identificaron manifestaciones de ansiedad, depresión y sentimientos de soledad, lo que afectó directamente el bienestar y calidad de vida de las personas. Se espera que este tipo de investigaciones aporten a la comprensión el impacto que tuvieron las medidas de contingencia tomadas por las distintas naciones, para frenar los contagios por Covid-19, en la salud de las personas.Alternate :A pandemia de Covid-19 obrigou a população mundial a incorporar atividades de prevenção em seu cotidiano para preservar a saúde física das pessoas. Na Colômbia, o governo nacional, com base em resoluções e decretos, regulamentou a quarentena e o isolamento preventivo para não saturar os serviços de saúde e as unidades de terapia intensiva, que não estavam preparados para responder à doença. Nesse sentido, este artigo analisou os hábitos de atividade física, bem-estar e qualidade de vida no isolamento preventivo - Covid-19 em Bogotá, Colômbia. Foi realizado um estudo quantitativo descritivo transversal com amostra de 1.775 pessoas com idade média de 43,5±25,5 anos, sendo 50,9% (n=903) mulheres e 49,1% (n=872) homens. Verificou-se que devido ao confinamento o consumo de café e bebidas alcoólicas aumentou, assim como a realização de atividade física diminuiu. Da mesma forma, foram identificadas manifestações de ansiedade, depressão e sentimentos de solidão, que afetaram diretamente o bem-estar e a qualidade de vida das pessoas. Espera-se que este tipo de investigação contribua para a compreensão do impacto que as medidas de contingência tomadas pelas diferentes nações tiveram na saúde das pessoas para travar a propagação da Covid-19. Palavras-chave: atividade física, hábitos, qualid de de vida, quarentena, Covid-19.

Journal of Leisure Research ; 54(2):227-249, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2271977


The paper uses daily data from Google to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people's mobility around the world regarding three types of leisure and travel activity: retail shopping and recreation;participation in open spaces, such as parks, beaches, gardens, and marinas;and food and medicine. These types of activity reflect important leisure and travel choices of people under conditions of epidemiological risk. We use the daily mortality rate as a key predictor. The results show that higher rates of mortality are associated with a lower mobility in shopping and recreation activities, higher mobility in open space activities, and rather insignificant changes in mobility regarding necessities. The effect depends on the stringency of the lockdown policies. The results remain robust after applying endogeneity analysis and country-level controls.

Gymnasium ; 23(2):7-28, 2022.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2270856


Reabilitarea respiratorie este o metodă eficientă în reducerea simptomelor respiratorii şi incidenţei complicaţiilor, scăderea anxietăţii, depresiei, creşterea tolerantei la efort, îmbunătăţirea calităţii vieţii şi activităţilor zilnice în contextul Lungului Covid, incluzând utilizarea tehnologiei la domiciliul pacientului prin optimizarea intervenţiei la distanţă sub atenta observaţie a unui fizioterapeut (telereabilitarea). În urma studierii a 400 articole publicate în PubMed, Elsevier, Research Gates, Sci-Hub, British Medical Journal şi a ghidurilor de specialitate COVID-19 elaborate în ţări precum: SUA, China, Italia, Marea Britanie, propunem câteva protocoale de reabilitare. În timpul pandemiei, în pofida subvariantelor şi a persistenţei îndelungate a Lungului Covid, specialiştii în reabilitare respiratorie au ajuns la consensul privind importanţa practicării exerciţiului fizic timpuriu pentru antrenarea musculaturii respiratorii (AMR), cu /fără aparate de reeducare respiratorie. Adjuvant se folosesc cu succes poziţiile de drenaj bronşic, clapping-ul toracic, educarea tusei şi a vorbitului, exerciţii de: echilibru, mers, stretching şi Core.Alternate abstract:Respiratory rehabilitation is an effective method in reducing respiratory symptoms and the incidence of complications, decreasing anxiety, depression, increasing exercise tolerance, improving the quality of life and daily activities in the context of Long Covid, including the use of technology at the patient's home by optimizing remote intervention under the careful observation of a physiotherapist (telerehabilitation). Following the study of 400 articles published in PubMed, Elsevier, Research Gates, Sci-Hub, British Medical Journal and the specialist COVID-19 guidelines developed in countries such as: USA, China, Italy, Great Britain, we suggest some rehabilitation protocols. During the pandemic, despite the subvariants of COVID-19 and persistence of Long Covid, respiratory rehabilitation specialists have reached a consensus on the importance of practicing early physical exercise for training the respiratory muscles (AMR), with/without respiratory re-education devices. Bronchial drainage positions, chest clapping, cough and speaking training, exercises of: balance, walking, stretching and Core are also used successfully.

Journal of Leisure Research ; 54(2):153-156, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2262618
Journal of Leisure Research ; 54(2):196-202, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2256808


This study examined the impact of COVID-19 on recreational walking while on vacation, a relevant activity among tourists especially in urban destinations. We surveyed visitors to Costa Daurada, an urban coastal destination in Catalonia in August 2020. Only 5% of participants reported lower recreational walking levels compared to normal circumstances;75% reported similar levels;and 20% reported higher levels. Higher recreational walking levels were associated with visiting local amenities or strolling and with a higher level of perceived safety from COVID-19 when walking. Higher perceived overcrowding was associated with less recreational walking. The pandemic may have altered recreational behavior while on vacation in urban settings especially by increasing outdoor activities such as recreational walking. If persistent, such behavioral changes could have relevant implications for both the tourism and recreation sectors and for local policymakers who aim to promote walkability while managing tourist pedestrian flows.

Journal of Leisure Research ; 54(2):286-307, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2284094


Due to the increasing prevalence of parental vaccine hesitancy or refusal, it is important to understand parental motives for vaccine hesitancy. This study examines social media conversations and commentaries regarding concerns about parenting, vaccine hesitancy, and the COVID-19 pandemic within an in-person leisure and recreation context: out-of-school time (OST) programs. A generative, probabilistic Bayesian machine learning model was used to analyze 31,925 tweets and group them into seven categories: Government, Feelings, School, Public Health, Christmas, Risk and Safety, and Families. As a result, recommendations for research and practice are discussed in connection to both OST programs and digital leisure, including a diverse range of vaccine hesitancy motivations related to children and parents, communication management strategies for OST professionals, and the impact of the politization of leisure in a digital leisure context.

International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship ; 24(2):241-258, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2280344


PurposeThe usage of sport stadia for public service is increasingly common and may come in different forms. In the COVID-19 pandemic, this included sport entities hosting mass COVID-19 vaccinations at their stadiums. The purpose of this study was to examine the branding effects of a COVID-19 mass vaccination center as communicated by (1) a sport entity (i.e. stadium and its two teams) and (2) the public.Design/methodology/approachThe authors analyzed the entity's social media messages related to the mass vaccination center for the three groups, the stadium and its two sports team tenants (N = 48) while comparing the public's social media content about the vaccination center (N = 187). An empirical material coding analysis was conducted.FindingsThe sport entity's posts revealed 12 codes, five categories and two themes communicated about their brand: In this together–community impact and showcasing brand attributes. The public posts analysis revealed 21 codes, eight categories and four themes, creating brand awareness, establishing/reaffirming brand attributes, affective response and in this together–community response.Originality/valueThe identification of the two organization themes and four public themes provided an initial examination of the mass vaccination efforts' impact on the sport entity's brand. With the rise of stadia being utilized as public service venues (e.g. voting centers and disaster shelters), the results of the study can provide guidance to communicating the host team's brand during these times. Results also suggest the public perception of such service reflected positive opportunities for brand exposure and subsequent effects for the teams.

Journal of Sports Economics ; 24(2):241-266, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2228608


The COVID-19 pandemic increased the risk of travelling, working, and participating in public events. To test whether there were gendered differences in the response to COVID-19, we examine the behavior of male and female professional tennis players. We use data from major tennis tournaments which included a rather large number of athletes withdrawing from play. After controlling for past performance, wealth, and other relevant player attributes, we find that female tennis players were more likely to withdraw. This suggests that high-earning women may have greater risk aversion, especially related to COVID-19, than their male counterparts. Importantly, women were more risk-averse when it comes to international travel.

Retos ; 47:339-346, 2023.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2227280


This study aimed to determine the effects of a moderate aerobic exercise program combined with respiratory therapy on physical condition, health-related quality of life, executive functions, and lung function in a SARS-induced bilateral atypical pneumonia survivor. CoV-2, after discharge from hospital. The subject studied is a 35-year-old man, single, sedentary, and with elementary studies, who was admitted to the emergency room for 14 days for a bilateral atypical pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2. The 8-week intervention program consisted of the application of different respiratory exercises plus others aimed at improving cardiorespiratory endurance and muscular strength. The results show an improvement in physical condition, executive functions, and lung function. However, no obvious changes were observed in certain dimensions related to the quality of life expressed by the subject. Therefore, it can be concluded that this mixed intervention program, based on physical exercise and respiratory therapy, generates positive effects on the physical condition, respiratory function and cognitive capacity of the patient participating in this research. Key words: pneumonia, physical exercise, respiratory therapy, SARS-CoV-2, physical condition, executive functions. Alternate :Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar los efectos de un programa de ejercicio aeróbico moderado combinado con terapia respiratoria sobre la condición física, la calidad vida relacionada con la salud, las funciones ejecutivas y la función pulmonar en un sobreviviente de neumonía atípica bilateral inducida por SARS-CoV-2, tras su alta hospitalaria. El sujeto estudiado es un hombre de 35 años, soltero, sedentario, y con estudios elementales, que fue ingresado durante 14 días en urgencias por una neumonía atípica bilateral provocada por SARS-CoV-2. El programa de intervención, de 8 semanas de duración, consistió en la aplicación de diferentes ejercicios respiratorios más otros destinados a la mejora de la resistencia cardiorrespiratoria y de la fuerza muscular. Los resultados muestran una mejora de la condición física, de las funciones ejecutivas, y de la función pulmonar. Sin embargo, no se observaron cambios evidentes en ciertas dimensiones relacionadas con la calidad de vida expresada por el sujeto. Se puede concluir, por tanto, que este programa de intervención mixto, basado en ejercicio físico y terapia respiratoria, genera efectos positivos sobre la condición física, la función respiratoria y la capacidad cognitiva del paciente participante en esta investigación.Alternate :Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar os efeitos de um programa de exercícios aeróbicos moderados combinados com terapia respiratória na aptidão física, qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde, funções executivas e função pulmonar em um sobrevivente de pneumonia atípica bilateral induzida por SARS. CoV-2, após alta hospitalar. O sujeito estudado é um homem de 35 anos, solteiro, sedentário e com ensino fundamental, que foi admitido há 14 dias no pronto-socorro por pneumonia atípica bilateral causada por SARS-CoV-2. O programa de intervenção, com duração de 8 semanas, consistiu na aplicação de diferentes exercícios respiratórios e outros que visavam a melhora da resistência cardiorrespiratória e força muscular.Os resultados mostram uma melhora na aptidão física, funções executivas e função pulmonar. No entanto, não foram observadas mudanças óbvias em determinadas dimensões relacionadas à qualidade de vida expressa pelo sujeito. Pode-se concluir, portanto, que este programa de intervenção misto, baseado em exercício físico e fisioterapia respiratória, gera efeitos positivos na condição física, função respiratória e capacidade cognitiva do paciente participante desta pesquisa.Palavras-chave: pneumonia, exercício físico, fisioterapia respiratória, SARS-CoV-2, condição física, funções executivas.